Getting Started with Embroidery Studio Masterclass
Course • 24 lessonsEverything you need to know to get up and running with EmbroideryStudio.
Auto Digitized Cat
Digital download •Save hours of digitizing with EmbroideryStudio’s advanced auto-digitizing features. The enhanced Smart Design feature streamlines your workflow using automatic design sequencing and offers color reducing options.
Webinar: Unleashing Creativity with 3D Puff Embroidery
Course • 3 lessonsWhether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your embroidery journey, our webinar is designed to elevate your skills and creativity. Discover the techniques and secrets behind creating stunning, raised embroidery that truly stands out.
Getting Started with EmbroideryStudio
Course • 12 lessonsJoin us on your Wilcom EmbroideryStudio Trial Journey. Get up to speed quickly with an overview of the most used features in EmbroideryStudio.
Lettering Masterclass
Course • 14 lessonsIn the Embroidery Lettering Masterclass we look at some of the basics of Embroidery Lettering and get familiar with various lettering options.